Basic Piping Inspection for Beginners.
Piping Inspection
The Piping Inspection Blog provides you with information about the inspection of piping, Piping Febrication, Erection, Mechanical Clearance and piping testing in a construction site, as well as in operating plants.
- Piping Material receiving inspection?
- Piping work Document verification?
- Pipe Cutting details?
- Piping spool fabrication and it's details information .
1. Piping Material receiving inspection?
The following items to be checked upon receipt of piping bulk materials, valves, fittings, flanges, bolting materials, and
- Check all manufacturing company certificates are available and are in compliance with the material specification.
- Check correct quantities have been delivered as per the purchase order.
- Check that all end caps are fitted and are not damaged, raised face flanges are correctly protected.
- Check materials are correctly identified, marked, and color coded as per the purchase order and project specifications.
- Check for any damage, dents, scratches, damage to bevel ends, ovality of pipes, fittings.
- Check dimensions are as per the purchase order, length, diameter and schedule
- Check materials are stored correctly, piping if stored off the ground on proper dunnage or sleepers. Flanges and fittings are stored on palates or in racks.
- Check that CRA material, SS, DSS, CuNi, Hastelloy, Inconel are stored correctly in a segregated area.
- Any discrepancies should be documented on OSDR, Over Shortage Damage Report.
2. Piping work Document verification?
- Required ITP’s.
- Required QCP’s.
- Construction Method Statements.
- Latest AFC drawing index and isometrics.
- Approved Welding Procedures.
- Approved NDE Procedures.
- Welder Qualification Certificates, ID Cards
An Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) is a document that describes the plan for managing the quality control and assurance of a particular element of the construction works providing information on the requirements, an overview of the method(s) to be used, responsibilities of relevant parties, and documentary evidence to be provided to verify compliance.
Quality Assurance A comprehensive program that verifies a facility, structure, system or component will perform satisfactorily and safely in service.
Construction Method Statements:-
Method statements are documents that detail exactly how to carry out work safely. When it comes to ensuring building site health and safety, method statements are key. The purpose of method statements is to describe the safety precautions to put in place to control risks identified in the risk assessment.
AFC Drawing & IFC Drawing
(AFC) Approved for construction, construction works can be carried out under these documents, when stamped and signed.
(IFC) Issued for comment, these documents are issued for review. The distribution list is project specific, but generally includes hard copies to client project manager, site construction / commissioning Manager, Client Site Manager.
Approved Welding Procedures.
A welder approval test, e.g. in accordance with by (ISO 9606) is designed to prove that a particular welder is competent to weld with the specific process, consumables and position that generally comply with the conditions involved in the weld procedure test.
Approved NDE Procedures.
Nondestructive Evaluation (Sometimes called Nondestructive Examination or NDE) is the process of using non-invasive procedures to inspect the condition of a material or measure a characteristic of an object without creating damage or disassembly.
3. Pipe Cutting details?
- Carbon Steel, Low Temperature Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steels: These materials can be cut using, thermal methods, oxy propane or oxy acetylene.
- Mechanical methods, reciprocating saws or cutting discs. Adequate protection should be provided to the internal wall of the pipe when flame cutting holes for branch connections.
- Plasma Cutting method.
- Correct material as per latest revision Isometric Bill of Materials
- Dimensions as per Isometric, length, diameter of pipe
- Heat numbers transferred on items to be cut and Heat number must be inspected by client.
- Drawing number and spool number clearly marked on the pieces to be cut.
- Identification marks shall also to be transferred on the balance piece.
4. Piping spool fabrication?
A pipe spool refers to a section of a piping system that is prefabricated as smaller segments with flanges and many others fittings.
Pipe fabrication is the process of welding piping components such as pipes, elbows, tees, flanges, etc., into engineered piping systems in exact accordance with our site or Unit plant design requirements.
Pipe Febrication:-
Pipe Fabrication is the manufacture of straight lengths of metallic pipe and piping components, which include wrought or forged elbows, tee and reducer fittings, forged flanges, and the pipe itself, to provide a simple or complex piping systems to safely transport or process liquids, gases, or Vapour, solids & Others.
Before fabrication of piping spools the following should be checked by the inspector :-
- Carbon steel, Stainless steel and LTCS are not fabricated in the same area where they may be mixed up.
- Ideally they should be fabricated in separate shops, where this not practical the inspector should ensure that fabrication areas are clearly segregated and identified.
- Cleaning, grinding tools used for these materials should be different and carbon steel tools should not be used on stainless steel to avoid contamination. Proper color coding during material storage and use shall be maintained.
- Before fitup of members, the material should be identified and checked against of latest drawings and Bill of Material.
- Ensure that pipes are kept on proper fabrication table or support and Proper arrangements.
- Whenever purging is required, it has to be properly monitored by using a purge monitor and Purge paper must be Inspected.
- During fit up stage, check bevel preparation, weld joint type as per ISO, straightness and alignment of the assembly being joined.
- Dimensional survey to be carried out before to welding.
- CRA’s (Corrosion Resistant Alloy) should be fabricated in a dedicated separate facility to carbon and low alloy steels to avoid contamination.
- All carbon steel pipe stands should be clad with either rubber or wood to ensure no direct contact with the Corrosion Resistant Alloy.
- Check latest revision of isometric drawing.
- Check material conforms with latest isometric bill of materials.
- Check transfer of identification markings to cut pieces before cutting. Heat No. Drawing no. Spool No.
- Check flange hole orientation and fitting orientation.
- Dimensional check prior to welding.
- All weld joint numbers are identified as per the Isometric and any additional welds are identified and added to the Isometric.
- Reinforcing pads around branch connections shall be pneumatically tested for any leaks as required by the project specifications.
- Root penetration of welds on orifice flanges shall be ground flush and smooth.
Special Requirements for Stainless Steel, Nickel & Non-Ferrous Alloys
- It shall be ensured that all the supervisors and workers have been properly trained in handling and fabrication of stainless steel or non-ferrous alloys. Regular Tool box talks shall be held to provide the training.
- Shop fabrication shall proceed in a fabrication shop exclusively assigned for stainless steel or non-ferrous alloys.
- All tools shall be exclusive to the material being fabricated and shall not have previously been used on carbon steel materials.
- Work benches, supports shall be lined with rubber or wood with no carbon steel nails or screws protruding from the surface.
- Galvanized or copper /bronze earth return clamps shall be adequately clad or otherwise covered with stainless steel material to prevent direct contact with the pipe or fitting.
- Carbon steel line pipe clamps shall not come into direct contact with the pipe surface; adequate cladding or stainless steel shims shall be provided to prevent direct contact.
- Only marking materials specifically approved by the Contractor, for stainless steel or non-ferrous alloys shall be used.
- The root pass of single sided GTAW welds shall be protected from oxidation by an inert gas purge maintained until at least two layers are completed.
- Only non-metallic slings shall be used for lifting and handling stainless steel and non-ferrous Pipe and materials.
- All materials for purge dams shall be approved before start fabrication.
- Pipe spools temporarily laid down at the job site before erection shall be placed on proper wooden sleepers, 100mm minimum height, covered with plastic sheeting and segregated from other material.
- All open ends shall be capped and raised face flanges shall be protected from mechanical damage.
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