General Arrangement and Isometric Drawings Details

Concept of Piping GA and Isometric General Arrangement drawings for piping systems and equipments are developed by piping designers. These drawings indicate the locations of main equipments in the plant. The main piping items, valves, and fittings are also indicated in the General Arrangement or GA drawings. Piping isometric is a representation of a single pipe line in a process plant with exact dimensions and Bill of Material (BOM). It is the most important deliverable of any project where piping plays a vital role. INDEX:- Piping Layout (GA) GA Using 3D CAD Model Contents of Piping Layout Piping Isometric Contents of Piping Isometrics Piping Material Piping Layout (GA) Purpose For piping installation within a construction area. Information for construction planning. Information for testing and pre-commissioning. Information for Plant Operators. Methodology Piping arrangement drawings produced in two stages: 1. Planning drawing (study sketches / 2D CAD ) To solve major design pr...